The Original Family Rave
This article in South East Londoner including a short interview with Founder Hannah captures the essence and beginning of BFLF very well. https://www.selondoner.co.uk/news/05032025-drum-bass-rave-with-play-doh-prams-comes-to-peckham. March 2025
Great article on Eventbrite about how Big Fish Little Fish have made family raves a ‘worldwide phenomenon’. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/blog/big-fish-little-fish-family-raves-eventbrite/. November 2023
Nice article on Huffington Post about the popularity of our events with small interview with BFLF Regional Manager Sophie Parekh and quote from Hannah. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/family-friendly-raves-are-booming-in-britain_uk_651428b7e4b00f948c6091ab/?fbclid=IwAR2UzDMvTNXRdG4jkUaVg03hVKpzuot5Rkz-btLI5VcOeyuzOe_Z9Z3BE9M October 2023
Hannah’s been chatting about raving roots and all things 10th birthday with wonderful Silver Mag April 2023 https://silvermagazine.co.uk/big-fish-little-fish-is-ten-years-old-how-old-are-your-raving-roots?fbclid=IwAR2F9QUqxgiIUGYoFIDfS0OvzBwLNBNgrn-oLz0IyxYsfpaJrJk0SMgqjVU
Lovely mention by The Gadget Show’s Georgie Barrat on Jeremy Vine’s show on 5, 27 Feb 2023:
Nice MyLondon short interview with Hannah (slightly inaccurately written up – but still lovely): https://www.mylondon.news/whats-on/brilliant-london-rave-parents-can-26328014 Feb 2023
The Telegraph carried this lovely feature on BFLF Founder Hannah April 2022.
Big up Metro UK and Daniel Lynch for this brilliant article about us. February 2022.
Thank you Camping & Caravanning magazine for the small feature on January 2022 Birmingham event.
PR surge continues! Starting with US based edm.com covering the Edinburgh Hog-mini EDM site then DJ Mag picked up on ALL our NYE events https://djmag.com/news/new-years-raves-babies-and-toddlers-announced-across-uk?fbclid=IwAR0Vl42N1MXpv9Qtzqa-VkAjNwDiWt_lwPstqgUv65negXAuSRVk9uGKQ1c – which then was played out all over the place, including Spain https://majomontemayor.com/the-big-fish-little-fish-el-rave-mas-tierno-del-mundo-solo-para-bebes-y-ninos/ , France https://www.traxmag.com/family-raves-faire-la-fete-avec-ses-enfants-royaume-uni/?fbclid=IwAR11TAZVITU2DXbfjwuXz5Zuk9D0lPoPWijS_Xu7n5EmK_WYB811UsYs7V8 to Korea! http://www.mixmag.kr/5310?fbclid=IwAR1FGIW9D4XOd1O5riJnafzVhh7bbqe8cQ5-WWGLbta3xPi-SkVALOD6128 November 2021.
Great interview with BFLF West Mids Sophie Parekh with Brummie Mummies Podcast Clubbing with the kids and how to go ‘out out’ once you’re a parent Oct 2021 – https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/clubbing-with-the-kids-and-how-to-go-out-out-once/id1561201607?i=1000541214153 Also picked up nicely by the Birmingham Mail https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats-on/family-kids-news/mum-goes-clubbing-son-5-22120701 …. and it keeps on coming. The Mirror here – the headline begs the question – Whatever next? Equal pay? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-two-who-partied-every-25437659?fbclid=IwAR1qg9iKpm_Of_0rPkMdXXjI_wHSK1gP5LP
Hannah really enjoyed doing this podcast for The Playful Den/People Who Play podcast. Have the importance of play helped inspire Big Fish Little Fish and the family rave phenomenon. Nov 2021 https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/08-rave-on-hannah-saunders/id1568872054?i=1000540909865
A thousand ‘thank yous’ to Emma Barnett for this amazing article for inews about the importance of dancing – inspired by her recent trip to our event at Fabric. ‘I felt good. Alive. Vital. And free.’ Sept 2021 https://inews.co.uk/opinion/columnists/emma-barnett-going-clubbing-with-my-3-year-old-made-me-realise-its-time-for-adults-to-get-dancing-again-1215948
Thank you Shropshire Live for this preview of the Shrewsbury event August 2 2021. https://www.shropshirelive.com/entertainment/2021/07/21/award-winning-family-rave-returns-to-shrewsbury/?fbclid=IwAR1DrMKASW0KnNS7XthINUMKyz5sADUNjLSmrRdhAVi8jou5E0baOcbfr_Q
Thank you Bournemouth Echo for the lovely photos 10-21 of our Camp Bestival main stage appearance. August 2021. https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/19482962.pictures-camp-bestival-day-two/
Hannah BFLF in Bella magazine talking about having blue hair. July 2021.
Thanks to Cinemamas for this great interview with BFLF Founder Hannah about Big Fish Little Fish https://www.cinemamas.co.uk/blog/big-fish-little-fish-the-family-rave-you-need November 2020
World’s First Free Virtual Kitchen Family Rave watched by over 1m and on Sky News
Interview with Founder Hannah Saunders about creating Big Fish Little Fish in 2013 and inventing family raves in Eventbrite January 2020.
Nice to see our Camp Bestival 2019 main stage debut get a mention in Bournemouth Echo
Great review of Dublin launch in Evoke June 2019.
Well received preview of Newcastle event in Chronicle Live which had a huge response on Facebook post March 2019.
Big Fish Little Fish as saviour of clubbing and society in general? Sort of. Thanks to DJ Terry Francis for the mention in this really interesting article about 20 years of Fabric in The Guardian February 2019.
Hannah talks about starting up Big Fish Little Fish for the Screw It, Just Do It start ups podcast with Turning Your Passion Into A Full Time Job February 2019.
Great blog on Denon DJ with our resident DJs Baker & Beale about DJing as a pair to an unusual audience here . December 2018
Thanks Evening Standard for including our December 2018 V&A Museum rave in your round up of festive fun in museums.. ‘Glastonbury favourites’!
Great review from Momma Mack of Birmingham Halloween 2018 party.
Lovely preview of Liverpool October 2018 party in Liverpool Echo.
Resident Adviser podcast August 2018 features Hannah talking about Big Fish Little Fish and the family rave phenomena (about 12mins in).
More previews of our 5th Anniversary party at Fabric in Evening Standard June 2018
Our 5th Anniversary party at Fabric covered by Mixmag June 2018
BFLF included in this incredibly useful list of Top 50 Things to do with Kids in London in Family Globetrotters June 2018.
BFLF Founder Hannah talks about what 5 years of BFLF has taught her about partying with kids in Green Parent June 2018.
The Mirror includes ‘Big Fish Little Fish Festival’ – actually our show as part of the BBC Biggest Weekend Radio 1 Fringe in Swansea – in their Top 5 Things to do this May Bank Holiday and we are also appearing at their number 1 choice – Geronimo Festival. May 2018. Read here.
Our South West manager Neil caught up with local online magazine The Shorely for an interview about family raving after our appearance at this year’s Grinagog Festival.
Cute review in Farnham Herald of Camp Bestival tour February 2018.
Blog review of Brighton event from Lesbemums February 2018.
Hannah gives her take on travelling as a family. Bonus main photo of her family’s impression of a Led Zep cover. Komodo Feb 2018
Great review of the Brisbane launch by Kids On The Coast February 2018.
Interview with Hannah by Mrs Mummy Harris blog January 2018
Interview with Hannah by Mirror’s First Time dads podcast about regaining your social life after having children December 2017.
Interview with Hannah on Mary Anne Hobbs’ show BBC 6 Music, with accompanying mixtape, made BBC homepage! Now cut to photos from 2017 BFLF events here. December 2017
Great review from Vibes Life Us. December 2017
Amazing! Pop culture phenomenon Popsugar love us. Nov 2017
Thanks Your EDM for the online article and Facebook post – boosted interest worldwide! Nov 2017
Blimey, even the Daily Mail has noticed us. Nov 2017
Super interview with Hannah and review of our Hoddesdon Halloween rave from DADultlife November 2017
Mamma knows how to rave! Great to have the Mamma Knows West/North team and their families along to our Intergalactic Planetary rave in Melbourne
Interview with Hannah about founding BFLF October 2017 Brixton Bugle/Blog
Lovely review in DJ Mag of our Brighton gig Autumn 2017. DJ Mag Autumn 2017
Lovely review of our “Heroes & Villains” party in Southampton on 24th September 2017, courtesy of Boo & Mummy. Many thanks to Sarah and family!
BFLF Founder Hannah tells Born at Dawn how to throw a good party here
Leamington Spa really knows how to party! Fantastic review of our Leamington event by Not Wed or Dead September 2017
I (Hannah) was pleased to do an interview about mentoring and the wonderful Marie Taylor who helped me work up my plans for family raves – for Costco magazine. Hilariously not only does it mention me straight after Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet but it is placed opposite an ad for incontinence pants. After two kids – how apt Article here
Great review of our Norwich Launch Party from Outline magazine read here http://www.outlineonline.co.uk/content/big-fish-little-fish-family-rave/theatre/120289/2498
Lovely review of our Melbourne Launch Party from the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/australia-culture-blog/2017/jun/06/techno-trance-for-tiny-ears-taking-your-newborn-to-a-rave The Guardian, June 2017
Terrific, BFLF spirit capturing interview with Huw Bunford (Super Furry Animals) who works with his wife Tabitha running BFLF Wales in the North Wales in Daily Post May 2017
The excitement is growing in Melbourne! Another lovely preview from Kid Town Melbourne May 2017
BFLF mention in the Guardian 10 best family festivals for 2017. We’re playing two of them and are described as ‘reliably excellent’. May 2017
Time Out preview us as we launch in Melbourne!! May 2017
Funny and useful interview by Hannah on how to throw a good party on Born At Dawn blog May 2017.
Eventbrite blog interview with Hannah March 2017
Rave convert ahoy! Mrs Mummy Harris blogger attended our Hoddesdon rave and said ‘seriously can’t recommend this enough’ March 2017
Notts TV caught up with our East Midlands Regional Manager and what’s been happening in Nottingham (not so subtle clue: lots of BFLF family raving fun)
Nice interview with Hannah from Curious Life of a Mummy April 2017
BFLF first timer Material Whirl blogger said “There were so many things I loved about Big Fish Little Fish; the music, seeing Evan grinning and looking around in wonder and dancing to old rave tunes. On reflection though, what I really loved the most was the opportunity to be out-out with my husband. To be like our old selves again, to be people as well as parents. Being sleep-deprived and passing like ships in the night, it’s so hard to carve out time for ourselves to laugh, dance and feel liberated. BFLF let us do that on a Sunday February afternoon in Balham and we had a blast. I highly recommend it. Go get your rave on.” about February’s Balham rave. Read the whole article http://www.materialwhirlblog.com/2017/02/17/were-raving-were-raving/
Blogger Hey Is That Me? LOVED the Hackney Jingle Bell Rave December 2016 – review here
The lovely Julia, also known as Rainbeaubelle – lifestyle blogger and journalist – came to our November rave in Leeds and had a great time on the dance floor.
Cor blimey guv’nor. Hannah BFLF’s only Londoner of the week on London On The Inside innit.
Aw – Get West London really loved our party at Acklam Village Market, West London in November 2016.
The Leicester Mercury did a great write up of our fabulous November launch party in the city. leicester-mercury-article
Megamamma enjoyed our new Hackney venue in October 2016.
The Star’s City Buzz reporter had a marvellous time with her family at our October 2016 Sheffield rave
A lovely write up from parenting blogger Leyla Brook of our October 2016 Sheffield rave This Day I Love
A thoughtful and quite illuminating piece about the importance of sharing music with children with lots of Hannah quotes in Early Years Childcarer
A lovely preview of our upcoming 6th August Margate Dreamland gig (and announcing the Groombridge Place Sept gig) in Actual Cool Kent
A wonderfully written review of our Exeter 1st Birthday rave, from Kirsty at The Sleep Thief’s Mother.
Another lovely review of our 1st Birthday in Exeter from Families UK.
Thanks to Kidabout for some very kind words in their blog review of our Exeter 1st Birthday.
Lovely preview of Sheffield launch by the Sheffield Star.
Really interesting interview with David BFLF (Hannah BFLF’s other half) about parenting for blog Baffled & the Button Pusher May 2016
Hannah BFLF’s advice about Festivaling with kids (May 2016) The Early Hour.
Gorgeous review of Exeter May 2016 Steampunk party from Exploring Exeter.
Great review of Birmingham party May 2016 here.
BFLF Liverpool launch party. A rave with a difference by Mini Travellers.
Lovely review of our first event in Liverpool at Constellations by Rainbeaubelle.
Family raving at our Liverpool launch party in May 2016 by Note to self employed mum.
Entertaining interview with BFLF Founder Hannah about her style and parenting on Not So Smug Now blog.
Review of terrific Birmingham launch April 2016 Birmingham Mail plus a great video posted by Express & Star.
The List in Scotland!
Margate Dreamland April 2016 rave reviewed by My Kent Family and 5 star review from Midwife and Life.
Farnham Maltings April 2016 reviewed by My Mummy Blog
Great BBC Radio Bristol piece on March 2016 launch with vox pops, DJ, local manager and Founder chat cut to brilliant photos from event. here
Nottingham parties featured with a Q & A in Leftlion.
West London launch March 2016 reviewed in Olly Olly
Nice write up of our ‘Jungle & Safari’ March 2016 party in Manchester by Little Miss Out and About
Lovely piece in The Bristol Post about our launch party in Bristol February 2016. More photos on the newspaper’s website here too!
BFLF Founder Hannah reveals all about mornings in her house to The Early Hour
Blog post of the ‘Superheroes’ Manchester party in February 2016 by Dialledinblog
Great preview of our launch party in February 2016 in the Birmingham Mail
Fantastic photos of our January Exeter party in the Exeter Express & Echo.
Eclectic event review of our ‘Hat & Moustache’ Manchester party in January 2016 by Upstaged Manchester.
Great blog post of our Manchester launch party in November 2015 by Our Kid.
Eight exciting Manchester events to look forward to in 2016. Family raving with BFLF is one of them listed by I Love Manchester.
Lovely review of our Jingle Bell Ball in Exeter November 2015 by Sisterkin.
First review of Manchester November 2015 launch party by The Brick Castle.
Amazing piece about local BFLF launch in Manchester Evening News that led to unprecedented ticket sales.
Hurrah – Closer mag recommends BFLF for half term fun Oct 2015.
Very comprehensive and nice review from new site The Early Hour about Oct 2015 Hackney rave.
Very funny review of Hackney Oct 2015 by London With A Toddler
Good summary of BFLF from Maternity Leave Life following their visit to Oct Balham.
First in a new series about changing careers after babies by Hannah on “The Motherland”
Blog post about BFLF on “Muddy Puddles ”
BFLF’s Hannah chats a bit about setting up a business and South East London parenting to “The Mamahood”
BFLF Founder Hannah writes about taking children to festivals in blog “Around the World with a High Chair”
Another lovely review of our first event in Exeter from Nicola Says!
Review of Exeter launch party in Exeter Life magazine (courtesy of The Unmumsy Mum).
Very funny review of Paperworks season finale party June 2015 from My Milo and Me.
Nice little preview in Living magazine.
Review of Balham March 2015 party The Tiger Tales.
Review from Iheatmotherhood blog. of April 2015 Balham party.
Interview with Hannah in Amelia’s Magazine (March 2015).
We’re top of the British Airways High Life magazine (March 2015) list of “Five Cool Things to do with Kids in London”
What the Evening Standard’s Richard Godwin thought of the Southbank Centre rave in February 2015.
Nice review in Wandsworth Guardian
Review of Balham February 2015 party from London With A Toddler.
Review of first Electrowerkz Islington party Jan 2015 by Keeping Up with the Jones
Hannah’s blog about the inspiration for BFLF on Mumspo January 2015
Hannah’s blog about the BFLF year for My Baba December 2014
Short but perfect review from Doing A Lot With A Little December 2014
Prima Baby recommend BFLF (November 2014 edition). Out now.
Hackney new 2014-15 season opening party review by London With A Toddler
Review of BFLF Camp Bestival appearance from Babes About Town
Interview with Hannah BFLF in Brixton Blog about capturing the rave spirit at BFLF. (July 2014)
Hannah BFLF Selfish Mother article about enjoying festivals with kids here.
Manchester blogger has lovely chat with Hannah BFLF and DJ Food about parenting and enjoying music together here.
Offbeat Parenting article with lovely recommendation for both BFLF and The Minnow Club in Brixton Blog
Review of BFLF appearance at Coventry Mysteries Festival by local Coventry blogger.
Review of May Balham party in Kids Bedrooms Ideas blog
Great review of Hackney May party in London With A Toddler
Another nice time in Hackney by Babes About Town
Great review of Brixton JAMM party and amazing pictures in blog of Leon Neal (professional news photographer) here.
Nice Independent on Sunday column including bit on BFLF here.
Lovely preview/review of the Balham parties from March 2014 in Around the World in a Highchair
Pick of the week in the Guardian Guide clubs section!
Good review of Balham launch with Social Momma
Lovely front page on Wandsworth Guardian and online pics here.
Last party at Effra Social review in Brixton Buzz February 2014
Hannah’s Working Day in The Motherhood February 2014
Preview of Balham launch in March 2014 Wandsworth Guardian
Review of Crouch End launch Jan 2014 Broadway Ham&High
Blog review 2014 Curious Mum.
Interview with Hannah in Girls Talk to Boys
Blog review London With a Toddler.
Good coverage in FACT.
North London November 2013 launch reviews Stylonylon, GoBabyapp and Kentish Towner.
Pram on Rye blog.
Why Hannah created BFLF in Selfish Mother”
Great review of our first full party including fab photos and a review from 7 year old Roisin in Brixton Buzz.
Lovely double page article about our pre-launch party in the Evening Standard 19th July 2013
Review from Timeout magazine:
Podcast with Scummy Mummies where Hannah BFLF embarrasses herself with 2 very funny women and there are some awseome renditions of rave classics on a recorder.
Good interview with Hannah and Natasha in South London Blog.
Mum Friendly review of July’s pre-launch and September.
Early radio interview with Hannah Croydon Radio.
Babes About Town blog.
Preview of September party p. 2 Brixton Bugle.
Preview/review/interview with Hannah Lambeth Weekender.
Review by Festival Kidz.
Thanks to Cinemamas for this great interview with BFLF Founder Hannah about Big Fish Little Fish https://www.cinemamas.co.uk/blog/big-fish-little-fish-the-family-rave-you-need November 2020