Win a family ticket to Dreamland Margate with Big Fish Little Fish.

Throughout the Easter Holidays (Friday 25th March – Sunday 10th April) Dreamland pleasure park are holding a series of nautical themed events; “Hoist The Main Sail” – including our Family Rave on Saturday 9th April.

There’ll be a special Dreamland treasure hunt every day. Prepare for an interactive gaming experience across the entire park, picking up clues, solving puzzles and meeting exciting nautical characters. Explorers can be solo or hunt in teams with the approximate gaming time lasting 45 minutes.

We can’t wait to check out the lighthouse-skelter, icebergs and Pirate School. Children are encouraged to come dressed up in their nautical best – pirates, mermaids, sailors… or why not a (Big or little) fish!

The Dreamland Margate mascots Teddy and Betty will perform with special guest, Ozzie the Octopus, on the bandstand each day! Meet the Seagulls – greet the resident rare breed (cuddly) seagulls at feeding time. Learn sea shanties with the Fun Fairers who will prepare you to sail the seven seas with sing-a-long sessions – plus watch a proper 70-piece Sea Shanty choir in action on Easter Sunday.

For more info visit:

To win a family ticket to visit to Dreamland Margate on any day during ‘Hoist The Main Sail’ – enter via the Rafflecopter widget below:

NB – Tickets for BFLF at Dreamland are sold separately to park entry and are available here:

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