MANCHESTER – ‘Heroes & Villains’ party 3rd July with David Dunne – SOLD OUT

We’re back at the Factory for our usual BFLF Sunday sessions. We are proud to say that this event is part of the Greater Manchester Fringe festival taking place in July. This party will be a ‘Heroes and Villains’ themed rave, which is quite fitting for the venue! Sunday 3rd July 2016, 2.00pm-4.30pm.

Dance: DJ David Dunne will be spinning the tunes on the day on the multi-sensory dance floor with glitter cannons, bubbles and giant parachute dance.

Create: Craft tables with themed crafts, giant mural and playdoh table.

Play: Play area with tents and tunnels and baby chillout space with mats and small ballpool.

Stuff: Licensed bar, free transfer tattoos and glowsticks.

Fancy dress: Heroes & Villains

