EDINBURGH FRINGE- DJ Dave Booth (Stone Roses / Hacienda) – 13th August – Madchester themed Family Rave!!
This is our 2nd year at the Edinburgh Fringe and this time we remain at our usual home, La Belle Angele!
Family fun for the post-rave generation of parents. Helping parents be responsibly irresponsible hosting family raves with real DJ’s since 2013.
Dave Booth, Manchester’s legendary Hacienda resident and official tour DJ of Stone Roses (and notable Spike Island gig!) joins us for a MADCHESTER special. Get your bucket hats and your baggies out, we’re mad for it!
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/BigFishLittleFish/dave-booth-bflf-manchester-jan-2017/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]What kind of fun are we going to have?
* DJ – Dave Booth (Stone Roses / Hacienda)
* Licensed bar
* Club lighting
* Craft area with themed crafts
* Play area with tents and tunnels
* Giant colouring-in mural
* Babies-only safe space with soft mats, cushions and ball-pool
* Parachute dance
* Glowsticks and transfer tattoos
* Bubble machine
And the practicalities;
* Sound levels monitored to be safe for even the smallest ears
* This is a standing/dancing event with limited seating. Please contact us if you have mobility issues.
* Please be prepared for the event to be busy – it is a rave!
*No buggies are allowed INSIDE the venue, we encourage use of slings where possible, but there is a dedicated buggy park at the entrance.
* The event is conducted indoors with club lighting (no strobes), when entering please allow a few minutes for your eyes to adjust. Please no running!
* Tickets – Adult £8.00, Child £6.00, Pre-Walking Infant Free (But still requires a ticket)
* 2pm-4.30pm
Big Fish Little Fish
2 – 4 Hour Party People!
For families with younger children (8s and under) though older siblings are welcome. Adults are not admitted unless accompanied by a child. Parents must remain responsible for their children at all times. A max of 3 children per adult. A max of 4 adults per child (and such groups must be pre-approved by emailing infoscot@bigfishlittlefish