The Original Family Rave
Ah – the promise of jingle bells and smell of pine. The taste of mince pies…and the screams of harassed parents trying to buy something last minute. Christmas, I love you! Here is a completely subjective (many items produced by the stupendously creative extended BFLF family) but hopefully useful list of a few things that may get you out of panic mode and bring Christmas cheer to you all.
Hand-drawn Christmas A1 colouring poster: By our very own Captain Cookie. Perfect stocking filler for children of all ages. Comes in storage cardboard tube. £10 plus P&P http://Etsy.com/uk/shop/captaincookiecrafts . You can also buy at a London party if you are attending.
Bass, Mids, Tops – An Oral History of Sound System Culture by Joe Muggs & Brian David Stevens: Consisting of new interviews conducted by respected dance music writer Joe Muggs, and accompanied by dramatic portraits by Brian David Stevens, presents the story of the bassline of Britain, in the words of those who lived and shaped it. Features interviews with Dubmaster Dennis Bovell, Norman Jay MPE, Youth, Adrian Sherwood, Skream, Rinse FM’s Sarah Lockhart and many others. Link to pre order (out Dec 19th) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bass-Mids-Strange-Attractor-Press/dp/1907222774/ref=sr_1_1
The Secret DJ – The Secret DJ: Personal recommendation by Hannah. Her review https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/customer-reviews/R28WQICOQPKY02/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0571334490 grabbed the attention of the author themselves who declared it the ‘Best.Review.Ever’ and sent her another copy of the book as a thank you. It is fab, fascinating and funny. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-DJ/dp/0571334490/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
Big Fish Little Fish Gift Voucher: Yes, you can give the gift of family raving fun. Just email info@bigfishlittlefishevents.com with which region you are interested in and they will sort you an eVoucher. (Great very last minute present.)
Brio sorter box: Hannah’s kids loved this when very little. https://www.brio.net/products/all-products/pedagogic/sorting-box-30148
Galt mini folding trampoline: Great for those with no gardens/limited space for 3 years up (my kids only just waved a sad farewell to it – they are 8 and 9) https://www.galttoys.com/folding-trampoline.htm
RAVE ING Children’s T Shirts:The whole BFLF crew love these simple but fun T shirts for children. They are made by WeLoveLella and can be bought http://www.lella.co.uk. Excuse terrible photo but it’s my kids and they wouldn’t keep still/pose.
Future Past T Shirts: Another crew wide favourite – this time for more adult T shirt delights. http://www.future-past.co.uk
Plui Bath Toy: Something Natasha’s children loved. https://www.naturalbabyshower.co.uk/products/moluk-plui-rain-cloud
I Want My Hat Back – Jon Klassen: Without doubt the funniest (and darkest) book to read pre-schoolers. You had been warned.
Acid House History Poster: One for the music nerds (all of us?). At least three BFLF crew have this on their walls. https://www.wearedorothy.com/products/acid-house-love-blueprint-a-history-of-dance-music-and-rave-culture-special-edition?fbclid=IwAR3broIBMwQL0FbX-op9rHBom_tqmADrCi3NGaIR7lhdCUNhbpqMiKTHWxc
Splash of Old Skool: Mark Archer and Chris’s pre Altern 8 album (one of Dave Trax’ favourite albums) is being re-released on double vinyl next week.https://www.juno.co.uk/search/?facet[mirror_artist_facetm][0]=nexus%2021&hide_forthcoming=0&fbclid=IwAR1ZeIGz94LG5Kqm48RC-MfCkbKDOSsNnM4DWUTbC7hTogASNGIsB7GNuxc
Big Fish Little Fish T Shirts! Both adult (in grey) and child (in grey & yellow) sizes available. £10 inc P&P (in UK). Email hannah@bigfishlittlefishevents.co.uk to order.
Villa Pia Holidays: Not so much a gift for someone else but something for the whole family to look forward to. The long-standing supporter of the London baby chill area is an amazing place in Umbria, Italy for families to kick back and have a wonderful time (with the greatest, locally sourced food on tap). Absolutely fantastic for families from newborns to teenagers it remains the only holiday where Hannah has been able to let the children roam safely and have fun while she reads a book. It is THAT good. Look at www.villapia.com for details and quote Big Fish Little Fish for £100 off a week out of peak season.
Have a wonderful time everyone!