BFLF Swansea and Cymraeg for kids – Friday 25th May 2018

‘pop heroes’ theme

BFLF and cymraeg for kids Rave on!

abba, kylie, spice girls, super furry animals, gwenno, bowie or ed sheeran and taylor swift (in keeping with the biggest weekend) bflf’s theme for Swansea’s fringe is ‘pop heroes’! who will you dress up as?

*Optional but very much encouraged!

  • Expect to hear some amazing music on the multi-sensory dancefloor with glitter cannons, giant balloons, bubbles and the legendary parachute dance. DJ Huw Bunford from the Super Furry Animals will be the special guest DJ.
  • Also available at the Family Rave – Cymraeg i Blant (Cymraeg for Kids) will be on hand to share information, advice and support for parents on how to raise a child bilingually, with information about local groups in the local area.

  • Get crafty in our themed craft space, busy on our giant colouring mural or play doh table, chill out in our baby and toddler chill out area with tents, tunnels, ball pools and soft play.
  • Free glow sticks and transfer tattoos for every little raver plus a licensed bar for the adults and street food options for all.

For families with younger children (0 to 8) although all ages are welcome, parents remain responsible for their children at all times. By entering you accept that you or your child’s image may be used in press or publicity purposes for BFLF. Sound levels will be monitored riot be safe for little ears. A maximum of three children per adult and four adults per child. Please be prepared for the event to be busy- it is a rave!

The event follows a Drum and Bass Workout class – and will be followed by Swansea Music Hub’s showcase of local bands – plus a Silent Disco by Hush to end the night.

This is funded by the Welsh Governement.

Click here for all BBC Wales Hub events

BBC TICKET Terms and Conditions

big fish little fish – rave i’r teulu

Ariannir gan Lywodraeth Cymru

thema ‘arwyr pop’

abba, kylie, spice girls, super furry animals, gwenno, bowie neu ed sheeran and taylor swift (gan gofio y penwythnos mawr) y thema ar gyfer abertawe yw arwyr y byd pop! pwy fyddwch chi’n efelychu?

*Does dim rhaid gwisgo lan wrth gwrs, ond mae’n hwyl os ydech chi!

  • Fe fydd cerddoriaeth gwych, saethwyr ‘glitter’, balwns anferth, swigod a dawns y parashwt. Fe fydd yr arwr pop ei hun DJ Huw Bunford o’r grwp Super Furry Animals yn diddannu’r dorf fel DJ gwadd.
  • Bydd tîm Cymraeg i Blant ar gael i rannu gwybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth i rieni ar sut i fagu plentyn yn ddwyieithog, gyda gwybodaeth ar grwpiau lleol.

  • Beth am rhoi tro ar y cornel greftiau, lliwio ar y mur, neu’r bwrdd play doh?
  • A chyfle i ymlacio yn y cornel i blant bach a babis gyda pebyll, twneli, pwll peli, a ardal chwarae meddal.

Mae rhaid cofio eich bod chi’n gyfrifol am y plant trwyr amser. Trwy ddod i’r digwyddiad rydech yn derbyn efallai bydd eich llun neu llun eich plentyn yn cael ei ddefnyddio ar y cyfryngau. Fe fydd y sain yn cael ei gysoni’n amal ac yn saff i glustiau bach. Dim ond 3 plentyn bob oedolyn, a 4 oedolyn bob plentyn. Disgwyliwch am brysurdeb.

Mae’r digwyddiad yn dilyn dosbarth cadw’n heunu i gerddoriaeth Drwm a bass, ac wedyn ar ol y digwyddiad fe fydd gig Swansea Music Hub yn arddangos cerddoriaeth leol. Ar ddiwedd y noson fe fydd Silent Disco gan dim Hush.

Ewch yma (here) am fwy o weithgareddau Hwb BBC Cymru yn Abertawe, Unit 19 Y Penwythnos Mwyaf

Ariannir gan Lywodraeth Cymru

BBC TICKET Terms and Conditions

Music Genres:

Funky House

